Women Leading on Climate harnesses the power and ideas of women working tirelessly around the world to address climate change and hold leaders accountable for maintaining climate ambition. We work through the power of community, bringing women together in-person and online. 

We do this through: 

  1. Convening Strategic Dialogues to discuss key issues.

  2. Producing high-impact events to advocate publicly for the changes we want to see.

  3. Engaging actively with media, including through social media campaigns, to raise awareness and engage with our communities.

New York Climate Week Launch Event

At Climate Week NYC, the WLOC network launched with a powerful coalition of leaders from politics, business, and civil society.

  • Over 300 women leaders convened, representing a cross-section of expertise and influence.

  • Calls to action focused on tripling renewable energy, phasing out fossil fuels, and creating investable, ambitious country climate plans.

  • Climate champions, including Jennifer Morgan, Laurence Tubiana, and Gina McCarthy, delivered inspiring messages about the urgency of collective action. Ana Toni spoke about why Brazilian leaders have launched their own local network ahead of COP30.

The launch laid the groundwork for the #WomenLeadingOnClimate campaign, amplifying voices worldwide and pushing for ambitious climate policies at COP29. See Financial Times coverage here.  

Flagship COP29 Event

A full house for bold climate action: On November 12th, the WLOC network hosted a packed flagship event at the We Mean Business Coalition Pavilion to discuss women’s leadership for transformative climate action. Speakers included Sherry Madera of CDP, Jacqueline Novogratz of Acumen, Shameela Soobramoney of National Business Initiative, Sophia Suganuma of Climate Cardinals and Kerry Constabile of Amazon.

Over 100 climate leaders in politics, business, and civil society signed the Women Leading on Climate Advocacy Letter calling for strong climate plans from world leaders that:

  • Deliver 1.5 aligned national climate plans (NDCs) 

  • Accelerate action to triple renewables, double energy efficiency and ultimately phase out fossil fuels, and halt and reverse deforestation 

  • Mobilize catalytic public climate finance to attract private investment, especially in the Global South. 

The Letter was presented to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres who expressed his full support and pledged to help amplify WLOC efforts going forward.